I hear the voice of one crying, “prepare the way of the Lord”.
First came the revival of homesteads, then came the homestead revivals…
In 2016 we felt led to begin a homesteading event that would eventually bring thousands of homesteaders together each year. The first event took place in 2017 with 1,500 people, and doubled every year until it quickly maxed out the facility at 6,000 homesteaders.
In 2023, we decided to go one step further as we felt the Lord began to lead us to start Homestead Revival—tent meetings, field meetings, and more. Teaching people how to homestead is grand, but teaching people about Jesus is even more amazing.
It is our heart to share the gospel with rural America and beyond. Events are held at whatever location we feel led to be—from fairgrounds to farms—we’ll go where He says to go! We believe that homesteads and farms can be a place of revival in more ways than one.
The goal of Homestead Revival—to preach the gospel, to see captives set free, to encourage sustainability in Christ, and to be the New Testament church that we are called to be! The story started in a garden, and now we’re bringing revival to the garden.
There is a movement of homesteaders and farmers in the land that is driven by the Spirit of God to bring forth a modern day place of sustainability and refuge—Goshen. We’re excited to help steward and be a part of that movement in the earth. As we teach people to homestead and take back the land, we also Spiritually war beside them through prayer, sharing the gospel of Jesus, baptism, and teaching them how to encounter and utilize the Holy Spirit and Spiritual gifts. We are the New Testament church helping cultivate Christ centered communities that will be, and are, the hands and feet of Jesus, especially during the times ahead.
Check out our events page to see upcoming events. If you’d like to reach out and chat more about having an event, feel free to email us!
Meet the Faces Behind Homestead Revival

Meet The Fewells
Mark and Amy have a passion for Jesus, and one another. They have walked through the trials of life and come out on the other side glorifying the name of the Lord more than ever before. Amy is the Founder of Homesteaders of America, where she (and others) teach people how to homestead and live a more sustainable life. Mark and Amy, together, witness to others and pursue a life of tangible gospel living and doing. They have three beautiful children together, a farm, milk cows, lots of chickens, gardens, and more.
Amy is the author of two best-selling books (The Homesteader’s Herbal Companion & The Homesteader’s Natural Chicken Keeping Handbook). She is the farm milkmaid and homemaker. Mark is a licensed tradesman in electrical and HVAC, and the handyman farmer around the property. Their ministry is simple and based in 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, “aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you, that you may walk properly toward those who are outside, and that you may lack nothing.”
Would You Like to Reach Out to Us?
If you’d like to have an upcoming event, be a speaker at one of our events, or just want to chat, feel free to reach out to us!